Search free Bexar County marriage records to reveal the marital status, history, or spouse of anyone.
This information serves various purposes, such as conducting a genealogy search to learn more about one’s family history. A person may also need proof of their marriage when handling a business or legal issue.
Through Texas’ Public Information Act, all citizens are authorized to inspect many government documents, including marriage records. However, this law does not instruct government agencies on how to make these records available, so it’s beneficial to understand how the process of accessing marriage records in Bexar County works.
You can use the contact details, databases, and tools provided throughout this resource to perform a free search of marriage records in Bexar County, Texas.
This resource was written by Attorney Robert Bailey Jr, who holds a Juris Doctorate from Widener University School of Law.
How To Acquire Bexar County Marriage Records for Free
If you are looking to acquire local marriage records, the custodian who manages them is the Bexar County Clerk. A record seeker looking for marriage records can perform an online search with the Bexar County Clerk’s Online Search Tool.
To begin your search, select “marriage” on the left-hand side. Next, you can set a date range if you know the approximate date when the person you are searching for was married.
You can also choose to search complete records or available indexes only. Now, you are ready to enter the person’s name and run your search.
The search results will provide the names of both parties on the marriage record, the date it was recorded and when the individuals were officially married. When you click on a specific marriage record, you can view the original marriage certificate that was filed with the Clerk. This search tool will also allow an individual to download an informational copy of the marriage certificate.

You can also request marriage records issued in Bexar County from 1837 to present either in person or by mail. To do so, you must first complete the Marriage License Copy Request Form.2
You will need to provide the full name of both marriage applicants and the date of marriage. You must also provide your contact information. You can then drop off or mail the complete request form to the address below:
Bexar County Clerk
100 Dolorosa St., Ste. 104
San Antonio, Texas 78205
The cost of an informational copy is $2.00, and a certified marriage record is $8.00 per copy. If you are sending your marriage record by mail, only checks or money orders are accepted. For additional information, a citizen can contact the Bexar County Clerk by phone at 210-335-2216.
They are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
The next section covers historical, archived marriage records which can be used for genealogy purposes.
How To See Bexar County Marital Records That Are Archived?
People search marriage records for different reasons. If you are looking up marriage information as part of a genealogy search, you will need access to archived records. While some locations have a separate archive office, that is not the case in Bexar County.
For archived Bexar County marital records, a citizen should inquire with the Clerk’s Office as they have these types of documents dating all the way back to 1837.
The quickest option is to see what you can find using the Bexar County Clerk’s Official Records Search Tool. If you do not find what you are looking for online, you can submit a request or talk to someone at the Clerk’s Office.
You can call them at 210-335-2216 or go in person to the address below:
Bexar County Clerk
100 Dolorosa St., Ste. 104
San Antonio, Texas 78205
Alternatively, you can research archived marriage records through religious institutions and churches that perform wedding ceremonies. You may also find archived marriage records in old newspapers and other documents held in historical societies and public libraries.
For a statewide resource, check marriage indexes and related documents held by the Texas State Library Archives Commission.3 A record seeker can contact them by phone at 512-463-5474 or by email at [email protected]. Their primary location is at the address below:
Texas State Library & Archives
1201 Brazos Street
Austin, Texas 78701
A citizen can also check for marriage information with the Family History Center of the Texas State Archives & Libraries.
If you are looking for other types of related records, it is important to know that Texas does not recognize domestic partnerships. However, they do recognize common law marriages, where a couple asks the state to recognize them as married despite not following the formal process of obtaining a license and having a wedding ceremony.
How To Locate Texas Marriage Records Outside of Bexar County
So far, information has been provided on how to specifically access Bexar County marital records. However, your research may lead you to have to expand your search outside Bexar County. If you know the exact county, you can perform a search with the responsible local government agency.
However, if you want broad access to all marriage records in the state, you can request records through the Texas Department of State Health Services Vital Statistics Section. While they do not provide certified records (those only can be obtained through the county clerk), they can provide a verification letter for a marriage. This verifies marriage information but cannot serve as official proof.
Through the Vital Records Section, this information will only be provided to the following people:
- The person listed on the record
- Spouse
- Parent or guardian
- Siblings
- Children
- Grandparent
- Legal representative
- A person with legal documentation showing authority or need for record
Verification of marriage from 1966 to the present can be requested in person, by mail or online and costs $20.00 each. The most convenient option if you are not in a rush is to fill out your request online and provide information about the record you want verification of, your identity and payment. An online request takes approximately 20 to 25 business days.

A citizen can also complete the Application for Marriage Record Form and either mail it in or drop it off at the Vital Statistics main office in Austin or any other local vital statistics offices throughout Texas. To mail a request, send it to the following Post Office Box address:
Texas Vital Statistics
Department of State Health Services
P.O. Box 12040
Austin, Texas 78711
The Vital Statistics Section also has marriage indexes from 1966 to the present.5 These marriage indexes can be downloaded and viewed online and contain the following information:
- Name of both individuals
- Ages
- Date of marriage
- Location of marriage
- File number
For additional questions on marriage records or indexes, you can view the Vital Statistics Section Marriage FAQs or contact them by email at [email protected] or call them at 888-963-7111.6 They are available for inquiries from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
How Do I Apply for a Marriage License in Bexar County?
Weddings can look vastly different from one couple to the next; however, before a couple exchanges vows, they have to go through a standard process of applying for a marriage license. To apply for a marriage license in this county, you must do so with the Bexar County Clerk.
Marriage licenses can be requested in person at the County Clerk Marriage Office, which is located at the address below:
Bexar County Clerk Marriage Office
Paul Elizondo Tower
101 W. Nueva St.
San Antonio, Texas 78205
To start the process, you can complete the Bexar County online marriage license application or provide the information in person.7 You will need to provide the following information for both parties as part of your request for a marriage license:
- Full names
- Contact information
- Social Security Number
- Location of birth
- Date of birth
- Attestations regarding divorce, marriage and child support

To get married, both parties must be at least 18 years of age unless they are able to provide a court order indicating a Removal of Disabilities of Minority.8 Parties must also affirm that they have been unmarried for at least 30 days. Exceptions to the divorce requirement include a waiver from the judge or parties that were divorced are remarrying each other.
There is a 72-hour waiting period once the marriage license is issued. After that time has expired, the parties can get married.
This waiting period can be waived if the applicants completed the Twogether in Texas course or one of the parties is on active duty in the armed forces. A judge can also waive this requirement.

The cost of a marriage license in Bexar County is $81.00. Once the marriage license is issued, the parties have 90 days to get married before it expires.
For additional information about how to request a marriage license, you can contact the Bexar County Clerk by phone at 210-335-2216. Their office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
With the above information, you should be prepared to apply for your Bexar County marriage license; you can also use the tools provided in this article to conduct a search for archived or new Bexar County marriage records.
Residents can view and request copies of divorce records in Bexar County. Additionally, they can gain a deeper understanding of local residents by exploring free Bexar County public records, which include property records, background checks, warrants, and more.
1Bexar County Clerk. (n.d.). Search Results. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>
2Bexar County Clerk. (n.d.). Request For Certified Copy Of Marriage License. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>
3Texas State Library And Archives Commission. (2023, June 15). Texas Vital Statistics Indexes | TSLAC. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>
4Texas Department of State Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Marriage Verification Letter | DSHS Official Application. Texas DSHS. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>
5Texas Department of State Health and Human Services (DSHS). (n.d.). Marriage/Divorce Indexes. Texas DSHS. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>
6Texas Department of State Health and Human Services (DSHS). (n.d.). Marriage and Divorce FAQs. Texas DSHS. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>
7Bexar County Clerk. (n.d.). Marriage License. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>
8Texas Constitution and Statutes. (1999, September 1). Family Code Chapter 31. Removal Of Disabilities Of Minority. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <,best%20interest%20of%20the%20petitioner.>
9Texas Department of State Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Welcome to Twogether In Texas – Home Page | Service Provider Information. Twogether In Texas. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>